Friday, 28 December 2007

Why 'The Abbey Sanctuary'?

Well it goes like this!

The Abbey Sanctuary does exist as can be seen from the picture, it is located immediately across the street from the site of the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh.

There are three brass plates on the road outside this building, these are in the shape of the letter 'S' to signify sanctuary! Up until the 19th century it was possible for some one to claim sanctuary in the building in the picture when they were being pursued by their creditors.

The real reason for the picture is that the building was part of my playground as a child. The tenement building which I lived in was demolished in the 1970's to be replaced by an office complex for Scottish and Newcastle Breweries HQ. This was subsequently sold to the Government when they needed land for a Parliament building and that is what stands on the site of the old tenement at the foot of the Canongate.

We felt privileged to have the Royal Family as near neighbours. I wonder if they ever knew that there were people living in flats not more than 100 yards from there royal apartments who had to share a toilet between 3, 4, or even more families. No bathrooms, and no hot water other than that could be heated on the fire, in the kitchen/living/dining room.

The building is a landmark at the foot of the Canongate but also a continuing landmark in my memory. when I see it I can return to it and enjoy the experiences of childhood some not so enjoyable but nevertheless return to that sense of 'then' and all that went with it. hopefully will have the same effect on the reader as the building has on me. A desire to return now and again to have a look and remember!

1 comment:

theWeir said...

delighted to read the thoughts of a composed mind. keep it up, there are plenty of people who will benefit from what you have to say. that includes me.